Fast fundingfor early blockchain projects

Receive up to 200k by filling out a simple application. Decisions as fast as 1 week.

Zero to funded

Get your idea off the ground in hours, not months

Fast feedback and funding decisions so you can focus on execution.

High speed funding

Just fill out an applicaiton and get funded in a few hours.

Strong community

All HyperscaleDAO investments will be plugged into the community of devs, experts, & fellow founders. We work as one furthering each other.


We have the best devs, marketers, advisors, & investors in crypto. We’re all here to move your DAO forward.

The Hyperscale DAO

The HyperscaleDAO itself demonstrates the power of DAOs. In a few hours we’ve built a community of contributors.

We’re going to network DAOs together and raise this power to the n.

We have a community of aligned contributors who’ll earn Hyperscale & other DAO tokens for contributing.

We invest fast and track progress. We have lots of follow on capital when KPI milestones are hit.

Your investors are contributors. You won’t have a VC firm controlling your DAO. Instead you’ll have a community of catalysts helping you progress.

We also help you create and structure a DAO if you haven’t already done so.

Today’s funding model has many components. We’re simplifing it. A globalized meritocratic standard for investing. Decentralzied and run by the community.

When you receive investment from Hyperscale we give you Hyperscale tokens for your tokens. This aligns all members.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to ask on our Discord channel.

How can I apply to Hyperscale?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse blandit, enim eu vulputate interdum, libero nunc commodo augue, at laoreet quam diam at libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum aliquet nunc ut neque ullamcorper, quis mollis turpis tincidunt. Pellentesque mollis leo quis semper iaculis. Proin eu ex maximus eros dapibus hendrerit. Ut vel mollis arcu. Donec semper enim vitae diam volutpat hendrerit. Aliquam dignissim nibh arcu. Ut vestibulum, ligula in vulputate consequat, tortor odio dignissim velit, at pulvinar felis libero in sapien.
How do I participate on the community?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse blandit, enim eu vulputate interdum, libero nunc commodo augue, at laoreet quam diam at libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum aliquet nunc ut neque ullamcorper, quis mollis turpis tincidunt. Pellentesque mollis leo quis semper iaculis. Proin eu ex maximus eros dapibus hendrerit. Ut vel mollis arcu. Donec semper enim vitae diam volutpat hendrerit. Aliquam dignissim nibh arcu. Ut vestibulum, ligula in vulputate consequat, tortor odio dignissim velit, at pulvinar felis libero in sapien.
How do I refer someone?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse blandit, enim eu vulputate interdum, libero nunc commodo augue, at laoreet quam diam at libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum aliquet nunc ut neque ullamcorper, quis mollis turpis tincidunt. Pellentesque mollis leo quis semper iaculis. Proin eu ex maximus eros dapibus hendrerit. Ut vel mollis arcu. Donec semper enim vitae diam volutpat hendrerit. Aliquam dignissim nibh arcu. Ut vestibulum, ligula in vulputate consequat, tortor odio dignissim velit, at pulvinar felis libero in sapien.


Kick off the process in five minutes, and get a response within a week.


Takes 5 min.


HyperscaleDAO exchanges liquid Hyperscale token for the DAO’s token.

Shareholder review

Members vote on new projects with their Hyperscale token.

Community support

When an investment is made the community has an incentive to help the DAO. The DAO just submits bounties and pays out their token. Catalyzers also receive Hyperscale tokens for helping.